Our bright colors emerge

We have just gone through a tumultuous American Election, in tough Covid times. I am not political and can only speak as a senior citizen, fast approaching retirement age. Just like other Baby Boomers, I am just one of many millions, giving up perfectly good paying jobs. We are growing old and planning to finally retire. Each year more of us are hanging up our helmets, or our boots; and dreaming of drinking, those tall drinks, with small umbrellas. We dream of the shadows of the dancing couples, on the warm ocean’s sands, as the music plays on. Such dreams are of course currently on hold, as the pandemic sweeps across all the continents of our Earth.

The new administration is coming up with a scientific task force, to focus on containing the virus, in the US. Decisive action should result in some mitigation; of its spread, as winter approaches, and we stay indoors. We hope that with a vaccine and the strict measures we will be able to survive this winter. It would be criminal for us, to allow our American Flag; to continue to fly at half-mast when we are capable, of tackling this disease. We must act sensibly and follow the ground rules or die. It is as simple as that.

When you become a hermit in your own interest, you will many hours to introspect. This is the best part of this Pandemic as I am amongst the lucky few. I have withdrawn from social contacts, but not from our earth. I take long walks and enjoy sights of my surroundings, which I would have missed otherwise. I have worried about my nest egg that I have managed to save over my lifetime. I do not like high volatility and wild swings in the markets. I am not in this market to make money anymore but just want to conserve my capital and make a healthy return to live. I love my walks and surroundings but this worry about financial markets continues to nibble, at my nest egg.

My faith in America is that we will rebuild our trust. We will invest in our infrastructure and the base of America again. Education will be highly valued once again and not just be highly priced anymore. Let the elite have their Ivy’s, but the multitude will have free Community College. Our High Schools will be great again and our Colleges will become, the envy of the world. There is a change coming in the air, as it will be equal opportunity for all. No longer will race, color, gender, orientation stand in the way of where you study, live, work or love. Opportunity and justice will be there for all and we the people will once again take up the task of building our nation. There is no Red or Blue State we are after all just The United States.

Everyone who wants to go to College, will be given an opportunity, to peruse their dreams for 2 years of Community College after finishing High School. This will be a huge inflection point in our history as education has always been a unifier and an enabler for our people. In the past few centuries America has continue to embrace immigrants and mold them into the American Spirit. People do not invade America to steal its valuables, they come to steal its spirit. We are stronger as a united human race, than when we are divided along narrow slices of race, gender, religion etc. Our Faith is still strong in humanity and we encourage increasing empathy. We are good human beings and love our neighbors, and want to work together, for all ours benefit. Exponential growth is only possible, when millions strive, for a greater purpose, of becoming better humans.

My nest egg has suddenly become safer with the new sunrise. I feel as if things have stepped off the hamster wheel. Look at this tree with its golden leaves, providing a canopy for my nest, and the blues skies above, on this small tree. This is the compact, we have made to ourselves in this Great Society. We will provide for our Seniors, and our elderly, through Social Security and Medicare. These are solemn promises and need not be casually broken. It is hard to provide for our society but not impossible, there are better ways, to growth and prosperity, than cutting back on programs, for our most needy. The markets will be just fine, and some of the largest corporations will still call America home. The economy will continue to grow, and I strongly believe that the best years of America are still ahead of us. I am delighted to see our bright colors emerge again brightly, in the Fall 2020 elections.

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About Rajiv Kapoor

Rajiv Kapoor was born in New Delhi. He was educated by the Jesuits at St Xavier’s, and graduated with Honors, from The University of Delhi. Rajiv Kapoor did his MBA in International Business from Penn State and is now settled in the US. He has traveled across most states of India, when he was working on modernization of Rice Mills, and understands their diverse culture and history. This book is a historical fiction, dedicated to his city of birth. His extensive research dives deep into a critical moment, in India’s long history, for his latest Historical Thriller “The Peacock Throne Wars”..

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