Changing season’s flowers

Fall of Covid season has arrived, as the flowers change; as we await the winter, and our fate in isolation. We live in uncertain times, and the pandemic is not showing any signs, of abating soon. Humans race for the vaccine, or preventable measures; to stop the spread, of this miniscule virus. Our Earth will go on with its seasons, and its flora and fauna will adapt, and the laws of nature will remain in force. Ignorance is not bliss, we have to awaken our inner beings, to the joy of this existence.  Even in our isolated state we can reach inwards and try and find the peace and calm of our being. Each of us has our own destiny and hope and faith. Let us not cheapen our outlook but still strive to be the best.

 Learn a new skill, do a few good deeds, learn to live with yourself and those around you. Life does not get any better than this, so enjoy whatever you have. This way when life gets back to a new normal, we will have learnt what we truly desire; and what we are truly capable, of achieving ourselves. With this hope we can then improve the lot of others around us and make an emphatic effort to better humanity. Learn so we can teach, Study so we can understand falsehood or Maya, Work so we can implement the change we need. We are capable of so much more when we unite our efforts, so prepare in this time, learn from nature. The season will change, and the new shoots will come out, we just have to be ready to ride the next wave, walk under the Cedars or Firs, swim in the lakes, hike in the mountain trails. Teach our children well, as they must learn to protect nature, just as it protects us.

Life is for living, and good action arises from good thoughts. Keep good company and do noble deeds with others. The more you give away, the more will be returned to you, as nature is a cornucopia and it gives and gives. We must be ready to open ourselves to receive our universal gifts, and not limit ourselves by sex, race, religion, or class. Free ourselves in this isolation, so we are only elemental and human, and then do our best. Our internal attitude change will change our life, and Our world, so we must work hard on our introspection and learning!

Life’s Sunset

Every single living being has to face his\her\its time’s end, we will all; eventually have to face, our Life’s Sunset. To those who dwell on such philosophical wanderings, I say good luck to you; as mine is a simpler path. I look at the Sunset, and its reflection; and its wholeness, in fact I am often mesmerized, by what I see. Each moment in time is linked to this eternal flow of time which we partially experience. The rest of the experience is not what we gather from our senses alone as it is mystical bordering on exuberant. There exists a vast beauty, as nature paints our Universe; in mutations of color, in an otherwise Dark existence. I stare at the dark shimmering reflection, of the day that is passing, and the night; which is fast approaching, in each of our lives. Go boldly into this night, as life is not to be feared, but to be lived fully.

This Summer season has come and gone, yet the heat rises, in CA, as the forest fires burn the Giant Redwoods, we made into National Parks. I am sure that in a few centuries, a new Gigantic Redwood Forrest, will emerge, as it is Nature’s way, of reviving itself.  We just have to get out of the way, as forces of climate change need to be tamed, not encouraged. Complete refusal of use of fossil fuels, is not possible for decades ahead.  Eventually we must find an abundant source of energy through fusion, or other means unknown today. Renewal energy and its storage will be the next revolution as we head for an energy independence, and more freedom for humans. With abundant energy alone, does the power for us to enjoy, inter stellar travel is possible for us to find new homes, away from Earth..

Look again at this small lake, as it reflects our universe, in its sublime beauty. We should welcome a clear reflection as it shows another version of reality, a mirror into another existence. We live here and now, and this is our world. We are trapped in this time and place, of our own choosing. Even the shadows that we see, will disappear again, in the light of day, ‘Tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace, from day to day.’ Awake from this lethargy and find again, that center within oneself. Strive for its enlightenment, as that is the only purpose, we have in this life. To find the jewel, in the lotus of our heart; ‘Om padme namoh hum’, we meditate internally, so the outside, also becomes us or we become it. We have to become the ‘Ratnadhatamam,’ or the one who attains, the jewel of knowledge; and compassion, for all our fellow companions.   

For those who still need a defined path then devote yourself to Health and Education, of our next generations. They are our future, and we must nourish our portion of Earth, on their behalf. We must leave everything, at the least, as we found it; if we can’t improve, on the general human condition. Steps taken towards making others healthier, as in the case of the current crisis, or towards up skilling our labor force, for meeting future challenges, is important. We have the capability to plan ahead, we can literally write our own future, through enabling actions, in our community. The only lesson that I can provide in my humble experience, is to face up to Life’s Sunset, we must act, as if there is no tomorrow. Our life should be a dedication to truth, compassion and love; a vision of light, leading us away from darkness. Oftentimes, we find that the reflections of our minds, look better, than the original experience. Expect less, and life fulfills us, in its own way. Look up and see how it paints our heavens, to fill us with hope, of an even better tomorrow…